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Dmitry Ivanov photo

Dmitry Ivanov

Site Editor

Dmitry Ivanov is the Editor-in-Сhief at who has been with our team since the beginning. He’s an established journalist and editor with a decade-long experience of working in the spy app and cybersecurity niche.

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How to Catch a Cheater on Facebook

Facebook is amazing for connecting with long-lost friends and meeting new people. But, nowadays, many people are using Facebook Messenger to cheat! It’s so easy for random men and women to contact your partner. So, you need to keep a close eye on your spouse’s Facebook messages. How do you […]

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How to Catch a Cheater on iPhone

Is your partner constantly glued to their iPhone? Are you suspecting they may be doing more than looking at cat memes or messaging their mom? In this article, we will show simple and effective ways to catch iPhone cheaters. After using our methods, you will know exactly how to catch a cheater o[…]

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