How To Spy On My Boyfriend’s Phone For Free

Cheating in relationships has become exceedingly common these days, with partners having several opportunities to stray away from their relationship. If you suspect that there’s something off about your boyfriend’s behavior, especially when he’s around you, this could raise alarm bells. It could be that he spends a lot more time on his phone than with you, or keeps getting calls from a certain inconspicuously named phone number.

In such situations, you might be wondering how to check your boyfriend’s phone or how you can find out if he’s cheating. For starters, you could personally follow him when he leaves the house to see where he’s going or hire a private investigator to do so. Alternatively, you could make use of spy apps to see who he communicates with at all times.

While the first two options can be quite risky, and can also set you back a lot of money, spy apps are a lot more affordable and can give you all the information you need to find out the truth.

This guide will take you through how to spy on your boyfriend’s phone for free, and the best way to do so.

How to Spy on My Boyfriend’s Android Phone For Free?

Spy on your boyfriend's Android phone using Find My Device

If your boyfriend uses an Android device, there are a few simple ways in which you can spy on him. One way to do so is to use Find My Device on Android phones to spy on his location in real-time. This way, if you suspect that your boyfriend goes to someone else, you’ll be able to find out by tracing his phone on the map. However, do note that to use this method, you’ll need to know the credentials to his Google account. Here’s how you can do so –

Step 1: Open and log in using your boyfriend’s Google credentials.

Step 2: From the list of devices (if there are multiple) select his Android phone as the target Android device.

Step 3: Find My Device will then show you the exact GPS location of his phone on Google Maps.

However, the biggest downside of this method of “trying” to spy on your boyfriend’s device secretly, is that it’s not so secret after all. Whenever you use Find My Device to locate his phone, he will receive a notification that someone’s trying to spy on his location, and he can immediately disable location services.

As a result, if you’re looking for a foolproof method to catch your boyfriend cheating without him knowing, there are a lot more sophisticated tools available, such as phone spy apps.

How to Spy on My Boyfriend’s iPhone For Free?

how to spy on my boyfriends phone for free with Find My iPhone

If you want to spy on boyfriend’s iPhone, one way of doing so is to use iCloud to do so. This is possible using the Find My feature that’s pre-installed on all iOS devices. To use Find My to spy on your bf’s phone, you’ll have to know his iCloud credentials (his Apple ID and password). The steps to use this feature are given below –

Step 1: Open or open the Find My app on your device.

Step 2: Enter your boyfriend’s Apple ID and his password, and then tap Select All Devices.

Step 3: Tap Find iPhone to track GPS location of your boyfriend’s device.

Once again, the downside of this method is that the target will be notified that someone is trying to get his mobile phone location.

Another method that you can use is to take a backup of all your boyfriend’s cell phones data onto his iCloud account. This can be done by accessing the Settings on your boyfriend’s device. Go to Settings > Click on iCloud > Sign in with your boyfriend’s Apple ID and password > Tap iCloud Backup > tap Back Up Now > Open iCloud on a web browser and sign in with his credentials and spy on his data like all their messages, media files, contacts, and more.

Spy on your boyfriend's iPhone using iCloud backup

Again, while this method will give you access to all of his data that’s been backed up to iCloud, you will have to physically access his device to initiate a backup.

How to Spy on My Boyfriend’s Phone Without Him Knowing?

umobix dashboard

As we mentioned earlier, using the native iPhone and Android features to spy on your boyfriend comes with some serious drawbacks, despite being absolutely free of cost. This is where spy apps come into the picture as a more comprehensive, reliable, and 100% discreet option to go through your boyfriend’s phone without him knowing.

While there are hundreds of free apps, among the best options available today for you to spy on your boyfriend’s phone without touching it for free is uMobix. This is a comprehensive phone monitoring app that can be installed on the target device and used to monitor call logs, text messages, social media apps, GPS tracking, and much more. The app secretly collects data from the target phone and uploads it to the uMobix website for you to view from your dashboard.

The major features this app offers include –

  • Spy on phone calls: Monitoring incoming and outgoing calls, along with call durations, call logs and timestamps. However, you can’t record phone calls.
  • Monitor text messages: Access your boyfriend’s text messages, along with any media files sent through the messaging app using the SMS tracker.
  • GPS location tracking: Track your boyfriend’s location in real-time with accurate coordinates and the ability to view his location on Google Maps.
  • Spy on social media apps: Spy on Instagram messages and other social media apps like Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and more. Unlike a lot of other phone monitoring apps, you also get full control over his Instagram account.
  • Track keystrokes using the keylogger: Tracking all the keystrokes entered on the device, including passwords, OTPs, and text copied to the clipboard.
  • Spy on his browser history: Spy on your boyfriend’s browsing history, including his deleted web history.
  • Track app activity: Get a list of all the apps installed on your boyfriend’s cell phone and monitor how long each was used.

Further, the app also remains completely invisible on the target device in Stealth Mode, so your boyfriend will never know that you’re spying on him. If you want to know more about this app, then read our uMobix review.

How Do I Put Spyware on My Boyfriend’s Phone?

As you’ve now seen, uMobix is capable of spying on every app on your boyfriend’s phone, from his WhatsApp messages, browser history, and much more. If you want to install this boyfriend checker app on his phone, you must know that the procedure to do so on Android and iOS are different.

Installing uMobix on Android

To install this spy app on your boyfriend’s Android phone, the main thing to note is that you will require physical access to the target phone to prepare it for installation. Once you’re able to find a few minutes to do so, follow the steps mentioned below –

Step 1: Create an account on the uMobix website and pick a subscription of your choice.

Step 2: Prepare the target device to install the app on it, i.e., Disable Play Protect. You can check out our review of the uMobix spying app to see how to do this in more detail.

Step 3: Download uMobix on the target device and proceed to install it.

Step 4: Enable all the necessary settings and grant the app the permissions it needs to function on the target phone.

Step 5: Verify the app’s set up and start spying on your boyfriend’s phone rem0tely via the app’s dashboard.

Installing uMobix on an iPhone

Installing uMobix on an iPhone is a lot more straightforward, and doesn’t require physical access to the target mobile phone. The only situation in which you’ll need to access his device is if he has two-factor authentication enabled. Further, if his phone has 2FA enabled, he will be notified that someone is trying to access his iCloud. As a result, you must ensure that 2FA is disabled on your boyfriend’s phone. Once this is done, follow the steps below to install this spy app on the device –

Step 1: Create an account with your email ID on the uMobix website and then choose a subscription of your choice based on your needs and budget.

Step 2: Enter your boyfriend’s iCloud credentials to sync his device to your uMobix account. Once again, if 2FA is enabled, you will need to physically access the device to get the code and delete any trace of it after.

Step 3: Once the target’s iCloud account has been synced, you can log into the dashboard of the spying app and start spying on your boyfriend’s phone without him knowing about it.

How Can I Find Out if My Partner is Cheating Online?

While there are several ways to find out if your boyfriend is cheating, the best way to do so is to spy on your boyfriend’s phone using spy software and listen to cellphone conversations from another phone. These are completely invisible on the target device, so he will never know that he’s being tracked.

What App Can I Download to Spy on my Boyfriend’s Phone?

uMobix is one of the best phone spy apps if you’re wondering how to snoop through boyfriends phone. It is completely invisible on the target device and you can use it to spy on your boyfriend’s cell phone for free. You can spy on your boyfriend’s phone activities like calls, texts, installed apps, and more on Android devices and iPhones.

How Can I Get My Boyfriend’s Texts on my iPhone?

If you’re wondering how to hack my boyfriend phone to get his text messages, you can get them to your iPhone by setting up text message forwarding.

Step 1: On your iPhone, go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive.

Step 2: On your iPhone, tap Settings > Messages > Text Message Forwarding.

Step 3: Choose which devices can send and receive text messages from your iPhone.

How Can I Spy on my Partner’s Phone For Free?

If you want to spy on your partner’s phone for free, you can use native features like Find My Device or Find My iPhone to get his location at any given point of time. However, this method comes with the risk of your partner finding out that he’s being monitored.

A spy app like uMobix, on the other hand, is a much more discreet and comprehensive option. It comes with a 14-day refund policy, so you can essentially use the app for free using this period.

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